Friday, February 27, 2009

cast off, splint on

pick yourself up off the ground...yes, this is my second post in two days!

gerrit had an appointment with the orthopedist today. the great news: gerrit's arm is healing quickly, so they were able to remove the cast and he didn't have to get a new one on! gerrit now needs to wear a splint for the next couple of weeks. they tried to fit him with the tiniest splint i have ever seen, but he has got the chubby arms. the next size up was too big, so he has a splint made of an ace bandage. it is a little more work for us, but it still means we don't need to go through the big bagging ordeal we had to go through when gerrit would ask "shower?"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

together again

eight months later
lincoln, zane, gerrit & jackson

the boys were all together on the big brown sofa again, but this time it was four boys with three moms (and two babes on the way)--much better odds. sally, shelly and the boys made a visit this week and the big question is whether the play date is for the boys or for the moms.