Friday, June 27, 2008

a year later

gerrit has two little girlfriends, molly and alexis. molly is six days older than gerrit and gerrit is nineteen days older than alexis. they all have been friends since day one.
here they were a year ago....

and here are the big one year olds

Sunday, June 22, 2008

baby vdb

sparky made his grand entrance yesterday (sans fireworks, as anticipated). he lacks a formal name yet, so i will continue to fondly call him 'sparky'. mom and baby (and dad too) are doing well and are supposed to come home tomorrow. we visited them this evening and in honor of his birth i have experimented with a little movie making. check it out.

Publish Post

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

are we insane

if we weren't insane before, we might be now. last night we had four boys ranging in age from two years to four months spend the night with us as shelly, charles, ian and sally spent the night in san francisco. we had fun with them, but there were definitely some moments of insanity. why is crying contagious? there is a very good reason God made us so there is nine months between our babies. i don't know how people do it with twins, triplets, and beyond. we are now breathing a sigh of relief as we maintain our one.

all ready for bed. although it appears as if we sedated them, no medications were used to create this photo (just several photos)

yippee, our moms are back!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

a new view

i think the best part of having a one year old is finally being able to turn around the carseat. it is amazing how one little move can make such a big difference for all of us. this is a picture of gerrit's first trip out in the big boy seat. we took a special trip to the nursery to get plants for our new vegetable garden. he thought it was quite funny when we just turned around to look at him.